Queue Barriers

Pedestrian guidance and queue barriers system with blue, black or red coloured retractable 2m belts.

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Queue Barriers Information

Pedestrian guidance and queue barriers systems with blue, black or red coloured retractable 2m belts. Queue Barrier systems are used throughout the retail, hospitality and travel industries. We stock a range of retractable queue barriers, post and rope systems and cafe barriers and banners.

Queue Barrier systems can be used to manage queues or to cordon off access to a restricted area

  • 1040mm high, 7.75kg weight per post.
  • Polished stainless steel finish.
  • 4-way connectivity on each post.
  • Suitable for indoor or outdoor use.
  • Tamper-proof locking mechanism.
  • No-slip rubber base prevents damage to flooring.
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