Exit Diversion Door Wraps

Exit doors in dementia care environments can cause anxiety amongst patients. By disguising these with our innovative wraps, patients and staff are less stressed.

Use one of our designs, or come up with your own. All our exit diversion door wraps are printed to order in any quantity or size.

Very easy to fit, watch our Video on How to Apply A Door Wrap here.


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Exit Diversion Door Wraps Information

Relieve Anxiety

By disguising a door with one of our exit diversion door wraps you can relieve some of the anxiety and frustration experienced by Dementia and Alzheimer’s sufferers.

Reduce Sundowning

‘Sundowning’ is a particular symptom of these conditions, also known as ‘late day confusion’ where a patient’s confusion and anxiety worsens in the late afternoon and evening.

Many carers have reported that patients will stay around exit doors, sometimes attempting to get out by knocking on the door or trying the handles and becoming frustrated.

One care home experienced this issue every day from mid-afternoon as several patients would continually bang on an exit door in the day room leading to the kitchen. By using two of our door wraps (a bookcase) to disguise the door – the activity stopped.

Custom Designs and Sizes

Our Exit Diversion Door Wraps can be printed to any custom size to suit your door. Simply enter your door dimensions in mm for an exact price.

Use one of our own designs or send us you own.

High-Quality Materials

We use a very high specification self-adhesive vinyl, designed for easy-apply without creases or air bubbles. Once printed at high resolution, we then overlaminate with a matt finish. Easy to clean and maintain.

Watch our Video on How to Apply a Door Wrap.

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5.0 Stars - Based on 36 User Reviews